vrijdag 17 april 2009


When i first started taking the OMNI i was a little apprehensive to just jump in trades blindly because some flash told me to but I figured that if Chris999 and Linda and the other cheerleaders were so adamant then it had to be true. As a result, i started taking the OMNIs and followed them exactly. I was a little confused since i was only starting with a 10k account and wasnt sure how to handle situations like what to do when a flash came out to take 50% off. I msgd oscar several time to no avail he simply just closed the window on his side or said “follow the omni”… which made no sense given i was only trading 1 lots. Because of this I ended up closing out my positions whenever he said to cover 50%.
(I will add that I did skip a couple of OMNIs because I didnt like the risk involved… i felt that risking $1200 on a EURO trade was wayyyyy too much risk for someone with a 10k acct).

After my short period there i had lost close to 4k because i was getting stopped out on trades for 700-800 while i was only making around 6-9 pts ($300-$450) on winning trades. Unfortunately there weren’t more winning trades than losers or else I might have been alright. On top of that the ADs were stopping me for $300 but he was always telling us that the AD was a scalp so i would take my 3 pts profit when available and get told a big UY from oscar. Well, after trading this way its easy to see how i lost so much so quickly. Blame me if you would like but THIS IS WHAT OSCAR TAUGHT ME TO DO!

At the end of my subscription (after a losing day as well) I told the premium room that my account was blown-up and that I wasnt able to trade anymore. This was a lie, my account still had around 5k in it but I primarily wanted to see Oscars reaction. I SPECIFICALLY said this right when oscar was typing to members in the room so I know he saw it. Several premium members consoled me and asked if i was alright. What did Oscar do? Nothing! Just talked around me about other stuff. What a great broker he obviously cares A LOT about his clients.
(chris999, im sure you know who i am by now and im sorry i wasnt able to tell you the truth but i wanted to get an accurate reaction from the room)

Well, since I have quit taking the omni’s and have been trading on my own ideas and trading with another group I have made back a significant portion of the money I have lost.

What frustrates me is that A LOT of my close friends are professional traders and have made a good living trading for many years and when I showed them Oscars site they all laughed at me and told me to run because this guys trading style was crap. I really wish I had listened to them but I guess I had to learn the hard way. Im not suggesting to the rest of you out there that you will make money trading on your own because futures trading is hard to do and its very risky BUT why pay $400 (or whatever absolutely absurd commissions) to receive advice from a trader who clearly isnt that great (christ, can someone teach him risk management?). Im not going to go into all the details since they have been posted many times thus far.

God, one day i was in the premium room and I made a comment of how if we would break above the 808 level (cant remember specifics it was a bit back and i dont have my charts with me right now) then i would expect to see 830 within a day or two. This was when the omni was still bearish so at this point Oscar came in and told me I couldnt trade my way out of a paper bag and to stop “gambling” and that if i was any good at trading then i wouldnt be there. Apparently his TA is legit while ours is purely “gambling” and worthless. Whats funny is the next day we hit 830.

If this is the kind of person you want to give your money to then have at it but this isnt for me. Chris you can continue to cheer lead for him all you want but i’ll be here on the opposite side warning people not to be sucked in by his false promises. I like you chris and i hope we can continue to be friends but i also hope you see where im coming from.

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